Many people experience problems with voice production at some stage. Whether your voice is weak, your voice is hoarse or your voice is too high pitched, inability to be heard and communicate can have a profound effect upon a person’s quality of life. At Sydney Voice and Swallowing we specialise in improving poor voice and related quality of life
Diagnostic services available:
- Multidisciplinary Sydney Voice Clinic offering Comprehensive voice assessment by Laryngologist and Speech Pathologist
- Strobovideolaryngoscopy (video recording of the vocal folds using a flashing light)
- High quality video recordings of your assessment available on USB stick
- Comprehensive Neurological assessment of the larynx (voice box) to detect motor problems such as vocal cord paralysis, vocal cord paresis or sensation problems such as irritating persistent dry cough and aspiration
- High definition voice recording with Acoustic speech analysis
- Electromyography (Laryngeal EMG) – a way of measuring the electrical activity of the voice box muscles
- Full complement of radiology and blood tests to help identify any underlying problems
- Healthy Performing Voice Evaluation
- Your baseline voice assessment and performance is recorded as a reference should you develop voice problems in the future
- This service is especially useful for Performing vocalists such as singers, actors and broadcasters
- Emergency Voice Evaluation Service
- For performers having urgent voice problems
- On-site and after hours service available by prior arrangement
Treatments available:
Voice Therapy/Speech Therapy
- Vocal hygiene education – designed to improve vocal efficiency and minimise the risk of damage to vocal cords but also enhances the patient’s resolution of the lesion
- Vocal awareness – to enhance the patient’s understanding of their own voice and facilitate early recognition when problems arise
- Vocal re-training – to improve vocal ability and optimise vocal efficiency
- Vocal cord dysfunction therapy – treatment for those with paradoxical vocal cord movement
- Lee Silverman intensive voice therapy courses (4 days a week for 4 weeks) for people who have a weak voice secondary to Parkinsons Disease
- Expiratory Muscle Strength Training (EMST) – A program to improve the strength of your vocal cords and lungs
- Identification and management of the five factors causing vocal fold swelling
- Allergy
- Infection
- Laryngeal Reflux
- Inhaled irritants
- Traumatic voice patterns
- Optimal use of steroids in emergency cases for singers, actors and performers
Office based procedures (under local anesthetic)
- Vocal fold biopsy
- In Office KTP Laser Laryngeal surgery
- Vocal fold injection laryngoplasty (medialisation)
- Vocal fold steroid injections
- Injection therapy for spasmodic dysphonia, vocal tremor and hyperfunctional voice disorders
Operating room procedures
- Microlaryngoscopy and removal of vocal fold lesions
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Sulcus Vocalis
- Reinke’s oedema
- Laryngocele
- Endoscopic (minimally invasive) resection of vocal fold and throat cancer and precancerous growths
- CO2 and KTP laser treatments
- Laryngeal framework surgery
- Medialisation laryngoplasty with goretex or silicone implants
- Arytenoid adduction procedures
- Vocal fold tightening to increase pitch
Healing the Voice
- Specialised protocols to optimise wound healing and prevent complications and hoarseness during and after voice surgery
- Cryotherapy
- Antioxidant protocols to reduce scar tissue
- Structured post-surgical voice intensive rehabilitation program
- Helps optimise recovery and get back to safe voicing quickly
- Reduces the risk of post surgical scarring
Our voice is our major communication tool in both our personal and professional lives. Having a voice disorder can have a huge impact on your quality of life. It is advisable to seek professional help in a specialised ENT clinic as soon as any voice issues arise especially if the voice problems persist beyond two weeks. Contact us today for further assistance and to enquire about SVAS’ range of services.